Your ingame name: __BadWolf__ The offender's exact ingame name: G_man_master A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Created a claim less than 50 blocks from mine. (less than 3 actually...) Evidence/full screenshots: I explained to him that it was against the rules and he logged... My claim goes one block beyond my build... and I was working on expanding so I could expand my farm at this time... This is his claim... right on the other side of mine preventing me from expanding my farm. Now if I remember right, the rules did state that no one can build within 50 blocks of another. If I am incorrect in this, let me know. But I am rather peeved...
Thank you for your report. This report has been denied. The user is not breaking any rule, anyways if I see him I'll ask him to unclaim. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.