This is only part of the conversation that I had with Fryzigg. Just one of the screen shots of the original appeal. I was banned for supposedly scamming for a pickaxe, and this is how this mod speaks with people about their situation. This person was putting down my looks and my intelligence according to my age. When does my looks and intelligence have anything to do with a ban appeal? Is this fair, or is this Bias? Although in the first thumbnail, I had asked Fryzigg for an administrator to come into this situation, and yet she even failed to do this as well. I was denied by another moderator which has nothing to do with the person that banned me. Although Fryzigg claims, even if someone enderpearled in, I still failed to give the transaction. How is this my fault? I have thoroughly been banned unjustly, and this is absolute bias, because this person is friends with Elrich and the others that were insulting me today. Calling me names and stopping my threads for unjust reasons. Exibit A: Fryzigg's insulting remarks. Exibit B: Asking for an administrator. Exibit C: Denied by another moderator.
I understand you are upset. It was wrong of Fryzigg to judge you based on your profile picture and that is something I will talk to her about. There is only one administrator to this server, which they are fairly busy running other servers which they are also the only admin. This would explain why one wasn't able to come to your thread. Regarding the appeal, while fryzigg may have had a go at you, you also disrespected the staff by requesting to speak to someone you deemed to be more mature. That is also insulting. However its not about what you said, its about the mods involved which I will tag. Then i will have a word with them. @PopIs_MyLife @fryzigg
Your comment on me stating to talk with someone who is an adult was after the fact. I have all of the screen shots. This is also an assumption on your part. You really don't even know, because you weren't there. As to your other comments, Thank you.
You stated many times that you're "more mature" than us and that is why Fryzigg mentioned your avatar. She did nothing wrong. As to why I denied your appeal, it is because Fryz asked me for my opinion.
I'm just wondering, Do you know how to open gzfiles without the encryption? Because, I have been treated like a criminal because of a pickaxe. If I can open these files, I can show in the files that I did fix Elrich's pickaxe. I'm not a scammer! That's a fact. This is why I'm adamant in this situation. I'm not anyones enemy, I just want true justice. If you know how to read encrypted files, I have them, I just can't read them.
Sweetheart, I stated, I am an adult. I have no idea as to why it has taken this long to unban me for a pickaxe. I'm perplexed.
What does this have to do with you denying my ban appeal anyway? You are not the moderator who originally banned me. So why do you have that right? Just wondering as I have been told by several people, it is with the one whom has banned you.
Since you are so interested in my situation, Do you know how to read encrypted gzfiles, so I can show that I did fix Elrich's pickaxe?
Only mods can see this section. Use a program called winrar you can search for that in google and it will open those files. I would hold off on finding proof because as the banned player the mods are supposed to find the proof.
If I can open my files, I can show that I typed fix on the pickaxe. This is so ridiculous to me, you have no idea. I actually think this is insane. But... I fixed the kid's pickaxe and when I threw the pickaxe to Elrich, this guy enderpearled in between us and took it. I have no control of people stealing items. I'm absolutely perplexed as to the punishment of halfway conversations. It's horrible. I am not a scammer. I will never admit nor say I am. Because I did not scam this kid! I'm only here asking, how long is one banned for a pickaxe? Because this is actually what this situation is derived of.
When you get banned from a server and it usually tells you to appeal, it means the ban is forever until you appeal, or until the ban lists are reset every so often. This means without an accepted appeal or any indication of an appeal, you will be banned, permanently. We dont have ban times per item. If you are banned for scamming an axe, its the same ban as if you scammed 5 stacks of cobble, or a stack of diamonds.
OK, and as you can see in the exhibits that I posted, they didn't say I was banned forever, they said, I needed to fill out a new appeal. Why? I was appealing it then? They didn't want to deal with it. That's a fact. I have the screen shots. Look at what I have posted, and you will see in the the thumbnails that they told me to reapply. look at it. It's ridiculous.
Also, Since when are other moderators able to deny appeals for moderators that are addressed, and the ones who have banned the player?
First appeals are to reverse the decision to keep you banned forever. The rule of thumb is one appeal a month, unless its denied for inactivity (or not responding to the mod within 1 week of a response). Moderators are part of a team, therefore mods are allowed to make decisions on behalf of other mods if they are permitted by the banning mod to do so. The re-appeal hopefully will be handled in a much better manor than previous, but this also requires you to cooperate and answer all question, without questioning authority of the banning moderators. Appeals go well with cooperation.