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  • Fr_fan has scammed & hacked me [Pile][Denied]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by BaccaClench, Sep 12, 2015.

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    1. BaccaClench

      BaccaClench Active Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      My ign: BaccaClench
      My forum name: BaccaClench
      Rule breaker's name: Fr_fan
      Evidence: Unfortunately, srry i do not have any evidence, did not have a chance to take screenshots, lots of people were bidding for stuff
      Explanation: So, i am at someones plot to do a skin competition, and as i start giving out blocks of gold/emerald/redstone, my supreme pickaxe(not in hotbar) disappears as i open my inventory and fr_fan took it, threw it on the ground in front of me, and then right as i picked it up to see that it was my supreme pickaxe, he just took it out of my inventory again and ran off with it. He told he'd return it if i gave him 7 billion. So I said, "how about i give you 2 vote keys and 1 alpha pickaxe and then you give my pickaxe then i give you 7 billion?" Fr_fan says "sure." So i give him the 2 keys and the pickaxe, then he quickly gives me a start pickaxe and just leaves. Then his friend Makeitso6, runs away from the plot as well, and i asked him "may you plz ask your friend (fr_fan) to give back my Supreme Pickaxe?" He says nothing and never answers me and probably goes mining. So, plz staff, if you could help to get my supreme pickaxe back, i will greatly appriciate it. Thnak you and have a wonderful day.
    2. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Denied for lack of evidence.
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