Your forums account name: zeldaninjamonkey The offender's forums account name: For_Ban_Appeal ban and The3Nick A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: A full profile page of rate abuse Evidence/screenshots. (Sorry for the big pictures)
Um sorry for posting here, But zelda you need to show proof of when they did it because this might not be rate abuse if it isn't in the 24 hours or what ever.
Unfortunately I have no idea when this happened, I just know that they had done it all at the same time.
Sorry for posting here once again. Moderators won't accept that without proof, I'll check now and edit it in if there is proof they did rate abuse. Edit: Um it looks like @The3Nick is @CosmicGalaxy32 but Idk maybe their just friends...?
The3nick has already been warned, but warning points applied to the other account. Thank you for the report.