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  • [Forums] Foul Language bananaman11223 [Panda][Resolved]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Sound, Nov 5, 2014.

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    1. Sound

      Sound Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include:
      1. Your ingame name: Xrosmage
      2. The offender's ingame name: Bananaman11223
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Foul language
      4. Evidence/screenshots.
      Possible rules that could be in question include but are not limited to:
      • Disrespect
      • Flaming
      • Cursing
      • Advertising

      Attached Files:

    2. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      You are quite obviously of the most contradicting and hypocritical child I have ever seen on mineverse. Just because I don't like you as well 30 other people doesn't mean you get to report me for disliking you. You have the power to delete these comments so this is a report that shows you looking for revenge. If you don't like his post on YOUR profile delete it. Don't be an idiot and try to make reports on me. I am being targeted by a stupid 13 year old that can't let things go. The IRONY. I have been through this before and its hilarious that you haven't got over it. Your not 13, at least you don't act like it. Your completely right on this one. I DONT LIKE YOU whatsoever. This is not "Foul" language at all. It may be that you have a psychopathic trait that causes you to not comprehend simple things, or your just dumb. I won't have a lunatic stand in my way as I suffer in vain from a random report that you have 100% power over. Its still there and it shows that you have an extremely bad attitude if your reporting me on a profile comment xD. Anyways, you piss me of and thats what the message trying to say. JUST INCASE your brain didn't understand.

      EDIT: I love the ironic title "EXTREME FOUL LANGUAGE", Lol it sounds like a sales pitch.

      People that dislike you as well. Im not alone. Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 5.51.03 PM.png
    3. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved.
      This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
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