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    Discussion in 'Reports' started by _Rlxtreme_, Oct 18, 2016.

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    1. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Hey all, another small suggestion from a small person like myself (love insulting myself unintentionally). So, as I survey the wondrous place known as Mineverse I discovered yet another mysterious creature known as a forums bug. Essentially let me be it like this nicely, the signature bug sucks. I mean sucks, like really sucks. If you don't know what I mean, try putting media into a spoiler on your signature, and see how long that takes you to figure out.

      Of course, there's this magic thing called not including a title and the spoiler works fine, but think again for those who have cursing on their videos and want to put, "Cursing ahead" can't do that. Now I may just be a freaking idiot and don't know the ways around this bug, but it seems like a big hassle just to make a spoiler in a signature to follow the rules. Also, the "You did not real the rules cause you put a youtube link in your signature" thing is very annoying.

      So, my suggestion is basically asking to fix the bug. I'm not a big plugin guy myself, nor do I know the host on which we are based on, but this needs to be fixed if its a bug somehow. Then again, I could be a complete idiot (like I usually am) and don't know how things work on this website. So, what ya'll think? Is this a bug? or am I just being stupid? If it is, should it be fixed?
    2. matt

      matt Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2016
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      @Pile, the forum admin may be able to help you
    3. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      I know the common issues people have with signatures and putting images/gifs, but I don't see any bug when using a media link + a spoiler (& title). I just tried it for myself and it worked fine.

      As of the common issue when putting an image in your sig, we have a guide @Matt made on how to do so for those who have trouble with it. (http://www.mineverse.com/threads/how-to-put-an-image-in-your-signature.107329/)

      Closing. If you still believe this is a bug and/or have any other concerns regarding it, you're welcome to report it again or message me.
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