1. skylanderdavid 2. CypriotSmasher 3. Ban evading 4. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/unban-from-forums-cyp.30182/ When your forums account is banned, You are only allowed to post in your ban appeal to try and get that account unbanned. If you look at quite a few threads Smasher has posted in those threads, and made a ban appeal trying to get his old forums account unbanned Here's an example of a thread Smasher posted in: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/lol.30926/#post-309606
I am confused? I think you are too. That appeal was from November 5th. He has since been unbanned. However he was only recently been banned by fryzigg for another reason. He made that thread before he was banned by fryzigg.