My ingame name: But_Daddy_ (Ive been know as the following too: TrinityTaylor06 & KittyGamerMLG) The Offenders Exact Ingame name: There was 2, they were fighting and i got dragged into it: BrianBossFTW and SwaggyOG A Desc. of the rule and how they broke it: I was looking at the report format and i saw Cursing wasnt allowed and the fight was full of curse words Evidence:
Hi there, unfortunately, we cannot accept these screenshots. Do you have the full screenshots that are not cropped? Ill give you 24 hours to provide. @IdkWhatHappened
Do you think you will have it uploaded soon? If not, I can close this report and you can report again if you get it uploaded in the next day or so.
Dyna my friend got the thing im using as soon as he gets on i swear ill get the video uploaded and ill send it so u can close it
I will close this as of now, in the future when you get the evidence feel free to make another report.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff