My IGN: TorchwoodRC Offender: Faze_Pinecone Offence: Exploiting/Bugs: Do not abuse the bugs and exploits on MV. Abusing them can potentially ruin gameplay for other users. (Taken from Nanurzs Rules) Glitching seriously expensive Items, Pinecone has my head which has been glitched from /staff, This is a serious game breaking issue becuase any Ex-Mod heads that are Zues are worth Tens of Trillions, therefor distroying the economy which can ruin the server. Glitching heads is a serious problem and needs to be enforce rigoursly. Evidence:
Because I have only been Beheaded Twice, Zeldaninja has my Twin_torchrc and I have one TorchwoodRC head, but both those heads are an old skin from over a year ago. It's a glitched item, and should be taken action against otherwise the OpPrison economy will go to was.
We cannot prove that this was the person who actually glitched the head. I will not ban someone for simply owning the head. Closing this for lack of evidence, sorry.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff