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  • [Factions]CosmicGamerYT[Lack of evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by [Elite] Christianjoeckel, Mar 26, 2015.

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    1. [Elite] Christianjoeckel

      [Elite] Christianjoeckel Active Member

      Feb 13, 2015
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      CosmicGamerYT Said To Me That He WOuld Get Me Titan For 20k so i payed him 10k then he said he would get me the rank and he didnt so now he has my 10k and i still have no rank the reason i payed him 10k because i said ill pay u 10k the u get me the rank and the ill pay u the rest. So now CosmicGamerYT Is saying the deals of and he still has my 10k like he kept saying my internet is slow wait 10mins so i did and he said 3 2 1 Enter so he said i had it and to restart my computer so i did and when i got back on i still had Elite. So yeah i just wanted to say can i have back my 10k and please tell me if u can ban him please.
    2. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Sorry but we need evidence of this. Please make another report when you have the evidence required.
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