Okay, so on factions, I said in the chat "Who wants the buy me sponsor for an effic IV pick, 19 cave spider spawners, and a god sword!?" and Bailz2004 replied to me saying he would do it. So I gave him half of the stuff, and told him to go buy it, then I would give the rest. I gave him half, and told I'm I was going to log off so it would register. When I logged back on, it turned out that he had left, and I didn't have sponsor. Which means I lost a god sword and 10 cave spider spawners. Now I don't expect to get these back, but if I did it would be spectacular. Anyway, please ban this player as scamming (especially with in real life money) is very wrong. Thank you for your time, -noblesuntzu. PS. I'm sorry if I upload the same screen shot more then once. Also, I'll have to make a second report because there's alot of screen shots. Anyway, long story short, I got scammed out of 19 spawners, a pick, and a god sword.