Your ingame name: DynamoK The offender's ingame name: Dr_mongosmurf Why - Disrespect Its not disrespect on any of the staff or other players so dont worry, its all about his name. I find Dr_"mongo"smurf verry forfilling. I have a disabled person in my house and im positive that "mongo" is a named givin' to disabled people. It is a "slang word" and everytime i hear it my heart sinks. noun an unintelligent person. From "Mongoloid idiot".You are a mongo. And you know what some disabled children do look unintelligent by them shouting in public but is it really their fault? NO. They were born with it and thats what they are for the rest of their lifes and i hate when people take advantage of them. I think mongo is a horrible word expecially when it is on someones name. Please can someone make him Dr_Smurf or somthing like that because that, thats ridiculous. I hope your take this in and do the right thing. Thanks - DynamoK.
mongo ˈmɒŋgəʊ/ noun noun: mongo; plural noun: mongo; plural noun: mongos a monetary unit of Mongolia, equal to one hundredth of a tugrik.
Please take this seriously i very much doubt that. So his name is Dr_HundredthOfATugrikSmurf? Think of the logic and takes this post seriously. In other words - Grow some balls. (Said as nice as possible)
We can't do anything about player's names. We can't ban them or talk to them on their choice of name, nor can we force them to change it in the update. As of your concern for his name being disrespectful, the word can mean various things, such as stated above. Sorry that you feel this way about his name, but not everyone is as mean as you think they may be. There is a chance that this player thought it meant something completely different, and obviously he didn't mean to hurt your feelings in anyway. Locking/archiving.