1. BuilderNicky1 2. DownDeep 3. So, a forums member named MWajeeh was perm banned one day. Later another member joined name "DownDeep". Then I was looking on ScoFu's profile and found out that he was ban invading from a perm ban. He said he was ban invading, but didn't tell ScoFu who he was. I did some research and found out that he is MWajeeh. In other words, he is ban invading. 4. I have lots of it, don't worry… (evidence) Him admitting to being MWajeeh He is banned here Him admitting to ban invading His perm banned account @canucksfan44 @DownDeep , anything to say?
Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. He is allowed to have the account. I am not allowed to say why, but ask DownDeep, he might tell you. He is not breaking any rules.
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