Hi Staff Me Again 0_Inzanity. I got On today and Danewill101 Said NoobCupcake Abused And Said He had a Alt generator so he doesn't care if He keeps getting banned on his alts. So heres another one of his alts It would be nice to see if he could maybe Get Banned So He can't join opfactions because he will keep ban evading but anyways its you're choice Im Not Staff Im not gonna tell you how to be staff. Here is the Gyazo And Make sure to Do /seen _MEGA_COOKIE_ On Opfactions. thanks -0_Inzanity. https://gyazo.com/d574979301224ffa6486ced3ef8c2ab3
There is not enough evidence to show it is Mega. I get that it may be Mega and that he could be ban evading, but admitting it is him is not enough. If you have enough evidence, please make another report. Thank you. Closing.