Your In-Game Name: tj257 Moderator Name: DaddyHF Description: Today I was playing Prison when all the sudden I lagged out, I was in the safe-zone area. I went back on to find out that I was dead. DaddyHF used the kill command on me. That's not the only thing he muted and jailed me for no reason. Next, he abuses his powers and flies up and shoots people with his bow. Picture: For some reason they aren't letting me post any pictures except this one if I can get the other one up Ill put them up. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Alright sorry tj257 that you died but it's not way near my fault. I was coming into the D Block and saw you coming into the Safe Zone line, Then all of a sudden you died from PvP logging, All your Stuff went on the Floor I saw a Diamond Sword and I qucikly picked it up since it's a Contraband. I had nothing to do with your death so personally this report is invalid. FYI, I jailed/muted you for 30 minutes since you would stop spamming the same thing over saying I killed you and "u know it's not right" and blaming it on me since you got no one else to.
Also FYI, I don't have a Kill Command but I do think it's a new plugin they put in so when you PVP Log you automatically die. So personally it's not me. Since I do not have the option /kill
Only the Admins have /kill. It was more than likely just a bad luck moment since you lagged out and the game must of thought you PvP logged. A 30 minute punishment isn't so harsh. You can walk off and make some food while idling in Jail until it expires.