Your ingame name: iZaphii The offender's ingame name: DaddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/screenshots.
That's obviously not hacks, You can see my head not twisting or anything and me coming up to you and hitting you. There is no kill aura or anything show in the video and I don't use PvP cheats and all against that so go ahead say I use hacks but I personally am going to say I don't see any or see where it shows I do. I just I turned around and hit you. And if you say it was fast well that's because I have a that handles 8200 DPI. So I don't use hacks I just have a mouse with a big amount of sensitivity. Also if you like I can provide evidence I own this mouse by possibly getting the receipt and showing you it in my device manager Thanks.
He wasn't hitting all the shots, and his head was in the right places at the right times. That's just my view.
Ok now I see what you are talking about. Ok, as you can see I hit him 3 times my sword hit 3 times. He got knocked back each hit and when I kept going forward on him as he was backing up but he jumps up when I hit him and he goes really far back. So I'll just let whatever mod is doing this report deal with it.
Honestly, I do see some form of kill aura/aimbot at around 0:40 seconds in the video. Notice how he slaps him the very second he enters a 5 block radius and then continues to hit him 2-4 more times without miss. Also notice how his aim is always focused on the head, which is another trademark of kill aura.
Locking this to prevent any more posting... You guys know better than to post in reports or appeals that do not pertain to you. Stop making my job harder... I don't like handing out free warning points.
Daddy, I need you to write Daddy on a piece of paper and put it next to your mouse. I myself have a gaming mouse and the speed is because of that, I just need you to prove you have one. then you'll be of the hook. I need this open so Daddy can reply, no one else post. - Device Manager Folders that show I have the firmware and etc:
But by the way, I can't take pictures as I don't got a Phone to take pictures as it also doesn't have a SD Card so I can't save it anywhere. But I did show pictures of device manager and proof that I own the firmware for it/etc.
Alright good, as I cannot get in-game currently. nice mouse you have Thanks for the report, locking and archiving.