Well Hello. It pains me to say this, but yet again, a player was spamming. The same player as before. Anyways, here it is: You IGN: BobSheepert Accused Person's IGN: xDannyxHx http://prntscr.com/45gi2w What Rule They Broke And How: This person just started spamming the chat saying, "Everyone tpa to (Whatever) for a (whatever) role play!" The chat was filled with him spamming. Everyone was saying "STOP!"but he wouldn't listen. He was basically metaphorically CONQUERING chat. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/45girq http://prntscr.com/45gi2w http://prntscr.com/45glhl Anyways, yeah, Bjra2003 was in some of that, but not much, so I guess he should be put out of the report. Anyways, have a nice day!
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been muted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.