Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: DutchDj Boy Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: (is not bug) (is a player what drops steks of crashbooks) Creative Crashbooks have crash my and my friends in range of idk how muth bloks i dont like that i not can join creative Description of the bug and/or glitch: if i load creative cant i first load crea tarijn then load tarijn again and come in the hub (and the clear inventory and tp back to spawn what you can buy in the store doent work becouse look the video!) Video/screenshot of the glitch: Steps to reproduce the glitch: Reset/Restart the server! (i think so)
We are in the process of patching this, if you get stuck on a plot please contact me but otherwise crash books should no longer be an issue.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.