Dear Readers, This report isn't fit for a template, so if a Staff can leave a message for a fit template or if there are none, it'd be helpful. This will be helpful for anyone in need of help for this reason, too. Every time I join Creative, my Minecraft client crashes. This bug started a few days ago, but I thought it would naturally go away. My computer is free of mall ware, I've checked many times for unknown apps or downloads, nothing. I hope this isn't just me, because I love Creative. I hope it can also be fixed. Thanks, Regards, King_S
Ok king there's 2 solutions to this problem depending on where you keep crashing. 1.You buy a free clear inventory on creative located at and hope it stops. 2. If you're on a laggy/Very big plot with a lot of builds you'll most likely need to purchase the free tp to spawn and the clear inventory aswell at again. I hope I could be of use to you.
Thanks so much, @NoobCupCake. I'll report back with results. ;) Appreciate it. P.S. It's working again!! Thanks a LOT!
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.