Well Hello. This is a report about 3 different spammers on creative. One spam advertising their plot, and 2 spaming the chat with, "XD". Here we go! Your IGN: BobSheepert Offender's IGN: xDannyxHx, Awesomenessspony6, and holygirl456. What rule they broke and how: They broke the rule of not spamming. Holygirl456 spammed chat for only a bit, so I believe that he/she should only get a warning, but xDannyxHx and Awesomesspony6 were spamming the chat for like 20+ seconds I think. I believe that those two should get a temp. mute. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/44h4va http://prntscr.com/44h5m9 Well, that's the report. Have a nice day!
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.