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  • Confusion About Guard Rules

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Ragan, Dec 22, 2013.

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    1. Ragan

      Ragan Active Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      The player G_unit13 has recently just been jailed for the possession of lava. According to LDM that is an immediate ban. I find this very contradictory to the rules on these signs that I have supplied a screenshot of. Unless I am somehow misunderstanding these rules they appear to say that the first action taken is to take the contraband, and then jail "if they refuse". And even if I am wrong about this assumption, the simple fact that this pretty unreasonable should be enough. Many times have I ended up with random buckets of lava in my inventory after pvp due to people dropping it. Now whether or not he uses the lava on people is unknown to me, and if he was caught lavaing I would understand the actions LDM has taken. He was in the pvp area and the only reason it was found was because LDM died and he was looking for his gear (which I now have btw and its pretty nice ;)).
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    2. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      Firstly, thanks for reporting the issue, so that 100% clarification can be arrived at.

      Not sure if these will work but here goes: @KatoKillsMyGPA @Rakion504 @CypriotMerks

      The rule of asking for the contraband items is in relation to swords and bows, from what I read on the rule 'wall.' Seeing as G_unit13 had both a lava bucket and flint'n'steel, I removed both from his possession and proceeded to jail him for those issues (1 day for each item in possession.)

      The part that I find a little ironic in the whole situation is that if you're in prison, you're an inmate. If an inmate is found with something that contradicts the rules, it is taken. That person would then find their way into 'solitary confinement' for a determined period of time to teach them a lesson. I don't see how this defies any rule/logic regarding the issue.
    3. Ragan

      Ragan Active Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      Thank you. I found it very amusing when you compared a minecraft server to a real life prison and decided to call it logic. But aside from this, my whole complaint on the issue is that getting a random bucket of lava during pvp is very common. An immediate jail is very unreasonable seeing as how this lava could go overlooked. Honestly, if I was pvping, I would not stop what I was doing to risk being killed while throwing it in the lava. Asking of that is pretty ridiculous, I think simple warning first would suffice, or atleast a minute or two to get rid of it.
    4. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      That's the draw of the prison server, it is to mimic a prison environment. The rules are in place for a reason.

      You can argue the analogous idea of obtaining the item within pvp could constitute a defense of the situation. You could argue that it was missed during a killing.

      The problem was, he easily could have left the pvp zone and eliminated the items. The other issue, which you're not capable of seeing was the position of the items within his inventory. Both of which were on the 9 item user bar, which would eliminate his defense of not knowing they were there, as they are plainly visible. So unless he was playing with his display off, which is highly unlikely during a pvp encounter, he could have seen they were there.
    5. CreeperZ

      CreeperZ Experienced Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      It's not a ban you take it off him and jail him for a day under
    6. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were staff. Do not post in reports that have nothing to do with you.
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