I was playing Infection and then for no reason some random admin or something muted me and kicked me. The message said that I can lose my Donator rank (I don't have one) or I can get banned. I only said "Kill the reapers!" (Mass Effect Reference) and then like almost a minute later I was kicked and muted. I don't know who did this but I was hoping you might be able to keep a look out for someone abusing commands. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope you can help. P.S: I received 5 warnings for caps (accidents) and I don't know if it's some sort of glitch for it so if it is I would recommend fixing it or you may get more of these.
This isn't an admin as it has happend to me before if you say a certain word or phrase it will kick you and mute you for an hours or so as I said uk and it happend to me
It might just be the server chat censor bugging up. For some reason it likes to kick and mute people if they start speaking a different language or say 'butter'.
The other language thing makes sense, I mean, people could be saying mean things, and "butter" belongs in the censor list, fanboys are everywhere.
Fill this format below for a correct report. Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
What happened was you said a word the auto-filter didn't like for some reason, so it muted you. Just remember, certain words (Such as owner, co-owner and anything with multiple dots) can trigger the auto-filter into muting you. Can I archive this? It wasn't a staff member that muted this person, it was the auto-filter plugin...