Noobcrew! SOMEBODY!! HELP ME!! I was trying to speed into one of my friends plots. I copied their coordinates so I can "hyperjump" to their plot. But I sped into an unloaded without a gate(a player who correctly loaded a chunk), so it says "not responding" EVERY time i log in. Same for my bro, BanaZun. He walked into an unloaded chunk without a gate. I found this very odd, because he wasn't speeding (with speed boots), and it stopped responding in the plot right next to mine. Our plots our right next to eachother. Please, someone help us. For noobcrew: If u can teleport to my plot, it would be nice if u can load the chunk in the plots around mine. That way, at least BanaZun would be saved.
This might help; Go to this link: And select "Teleport to Spawn" for Creative. It's free, and it's the only thing that may work as of now.
This may help if you can atleast get on to the creative gamemode if your on windows do the f3 key and the "a" key at the same time that should reload the chunks therefore allowing you to play again.