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  • Creative Basics Cadet43 making other players crash on Creative.

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by KittyCraft, Nov 29, 2015.

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    1. KittyCraft

      KittyCraft Active Member

      Nov 3, 2014
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      1. Your forums account name: Im_Your_Princess
      2. The offender's forums account name: cadet43
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hassment of players. I was on Creative with my boyfriend Im_Your_Prince and this player cadet43 tpa to him, he /tpaccept and was tpahere to this player's plotme and he crashed. I was in a skype call when this happen, the first time he thought the game was just messed up but when he tried getting back on he crashed again. I have screenshots of cadet43 making threats to other players, he tried to make me tpa to him but I didn't. now my boyfriend can't get back on at all. You can see in the screenshots the other players are upset by what was going on please help.
      4. Evidence/screenshots. https://gyazo.com/23eed070bfb15817ceaf9fef3de1cf6e https://gyazo.com/c161b4dbb857e5a232808909e072cff0
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thank you for this, but Cypriot resolved this problem a while ago. Cadet is currently banned, and his plot is cleared.
    3. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved.
      This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
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