IGN: Squill_ Forum name: Squill_ Scammers IGN: Burty33 Offence, asking if I would like to buy a set of protection IV unbreaking III diamond armour and proceeding to keep my money ($180 IGM) without giving me any items and then ignoring me. Screenshot evidence of /msg: https://gyazo.com/9a4ed31c62baf1886a76e329f8365fb0 https://gyazo.com/a1285d986fdf2edf774ea712e9141b4f Unfortunately I did not get a screenshot of when I /payed him as I did not think I was getting scammed at the time, however if you can check this insure that you do. Regards, Squill.
Sadly this is not enough evidence to punish the player. For scamming we need these bits of evidence: The full agreement to the transaction/trade The full transaction(your part) What happened afterwards. Without this evidence we can't do anything. Closing.