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  • Bugged Plots

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by GlaceonMC, Feb 21, 2015.

    1. GlaceonMC

      GlaceonMC Active Member

      Feb 21, 2015
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      Since our last set of plot bugs on OP Prison from when this portion of the server was down, a few of us have used the /motd method to reclaim our plots so we can use them again and this has only backfired leaving us unable to claim them receiving a message "you have already reached your maximum amount of plots (1/1) when we clearly no longer own it. The plots (-61,29) owned by SimDriver and the plot (-61,30) owned by me will not let us claim our plots when the are empty and as we struggle to claim them others supposedly use /plotme auto and randomly end up with our plots. We would be greatly appreciative if this problem could be fixed.

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