Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: Bradg14playz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing, Disrespect, Harassment. This is going on a daily basis, does the server has rules or not? These are the people that I dont want to my shop, he made his money by selling hacked items and not only he talks like this about me and my shop but also comes and buys everything out of stock so no one can have the items I sell. If a chest has a sign, he empties it by buying every thing and I consider this to be harassment. I was chasing him around my shop and I was removing the signs from the chests he was raiding. I dont want his money, he doesn't even sell the items he buys, he just wants to make my shop useless by making it to be constantly out of stock. I don't mind restocking but he has nearly 3 million from selling hacked items and he can keep doing to this for a long time cause this hateful individual hates my shop because it is everything his shop isn't, a successful one. Please ban him, I got muted and kicked from the server because I told him to "get lost" from his buddy canucksfan44 (he is also reported for abuse) and this is the second time Im reporting this kind of language. How many more? Evidence/screenshots.
Player has been subjected to a low duration tempban. Should they continue, the duration will be increased. Thanks, Melgrath