Your ingame name: kittycraft3497 The offender's exact ingame name: NoCombosjustpvp, I'm pretty sure he has more then just this account besides his main he may have more alts to get online and may or may not evade his ban again. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ban Evading, he was ban for hack I'm going to guess cause that's what the player told me once I asked about it and they seem really carefree enough to talk about the problem. In the screenshots you will see I did /staff and went to ask a mod who was online at the time to see if this player was truly ban so I can make sure the facts that I'm stating is true and to make sure their isn't any mess ups in this report. I will number the screenshots cause I would like for you to see all of them without missing any theses 4 screenshots. Thank you for taking the time to deal with this report. :I Evidence/full screenshots: screenshot number 1. number 2. number 3. number 4.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff