1. RedStar12 2. BillmetcalfeBlaz 3. Threats of payback because I got his friend banned. 4. http://imgur.com/WQpq67Q 5. This took place the first time I logged on after I got his friend, Methylone banned from creative (for a valid reason). Most of it was just him raging, but at the end he threatened me saying (correcting his grammar because I hate bad grammer): RedStar12, you're EVIL. You're getting payback." @BlackZone Sorry for the huge amount of screenshots, I like to screenie everything for evidence.
I fail to see how someone saying they're going to get payback is a threat. At least not in the way he used it. If he would've said something like 'I'm going to this to you because you did this' in a threatening manner it maybe would've been a different story. Sorry, this isn't enough evidence.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff