- These kids were hacking big time, watch the video and you will understand, it was just unbelievable and made me so mad. Pro killa1214 and Zipstar522 ~De♠th De♠lers~ - KeeChainZ
Honestly, this looks more like intense lag... Notice how they tend to freeze in mid air then suddenly barrage attacks onto you? Reach hacks are incredibly hard (if not impossible) to code, therefor you are rarely ever going to see them. The kill aura theory is very spotty since you are lagging. Have you ever been lagging and when your computer seems to catch up they barrage you with 20 attacks? I have a feeling that this mixed with lag caused these effects :l
Yes reach hacks are very hard to code. It takes skill and alot of knowledge of how minecraft works and no cheat. Also reach hacks arent compatible with no cheat...
I have done it before just edited some code in huzuni because very ez code and i made it to were the reach maxs out 3x ad more than the original. So the max is 6 so i would hit mobs from 18 blocks away... noticeable. But this is just server or internet lag.