This message i sent to the owner but im putting it onto the forums too so u guys can help me... I NEED YOUR HELP ON CREATIVE bearclawsss HAS A CHEST ON HIS CREATIVE PLOT WHEN U OPEN IT IT CRASHES YOUR GAME THEN ONCE I GOT BACK ON MY INVATORY WAS CLEARED SO WAS MY PLOT AND EVERYONES ARROUND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL MY GOD ITEMS AND MY RPS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!! What happens when i open the chest: well idk cuz it breaks my game so i cant keep opening it What happens when i get back on: well heres screen shots of my Plot, Invatory and commands (Note my invatory was Full and my plot had chests full of stuff) also what happens when i try to break anything but stuff on my plot (nEED MORE PROOF pLEASE LET ME KNOW i will be happy to get more screenshots!!!!!!) i really need your guys help so admins mods do what u need but restore my stuff my plot my invatory and my commands and remove these errors! also when i ask bearclawsss what the chest is he says its a chest named so long no onw can possibly open it... then he says ooooooooh its saposed to crash u thats all well he is clearly hacking stuff and needs to be fken banned please admins help me! btw if u say oh u u little kid and stuff... first im not 2 im 17 seccond im not useing grammar cuz im trying to type faster then i can normaly type... and 3 if u about this stuff u Oh also i forgot to say now when i try to join creative it can take up to like 5 Minutes when on the lobby or any other game... oop got a screenshot of bearclawsss abuseing some commands and randomly summoning TNT at his plot... btw bearclawsss is worried he is gonna get banned so he removed the chest sorry but i still have screenshots proof A few minutes later/EDIT: he has hacked name tags with names lonmg as hell
IM JUST GETTING STUFF NOW LOTS OF PEAPLE ARE SAYING THERE PLOTS ARE GONE TOO FROM bearclawsss CHEST!!!!!! WE HAVE A HUGE SURVER PLOT BREAKAGGE FROM bearclawsss MY PLOT AND LIKE 5 OTHERS ARE GONE thelegend2004 AND alec100b ARE SAYING IT NOW AND A FEW MORE PEAPLE TOO!!!!!! here is thelegend2004's Plot! here is alec100b and wizo09's Plots (Sorry it doesnt show correct in the chat for proof itss how it broke my thing) so now i go to my friends plot lizzieXDiamonds who hasnt been on for days... and there plot is gone too! (Sorry for so many comments im just trying to get this going to the owners and this is BIG like almost all plots have been cleared just BECAUSE I OPENED BEARCLAWSSS STUPIDLY HACKED CHEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!) now everyone is complaining there friends list is cleared!!!!!! Thx adminz but my invatory is still broken and bearclawsss isnt banned :(
Please edit your report and use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/full screenshots.
@TheMinecraftHippie we need for you to fill out this format in the next 12 hours or we will be forced to close the report for not following the rules
You've had plenty of time to follow the template, but you didn't. Feel free to make another report if you decide to follow the format.
Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff