Your ingame name: AcerFTW The offender's ingame name: Jeremy0301 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Anti-fall in parkour and fly hacking. Evidence/screenshots. - flying - anti-fall - Name of guy.
Due to a UUID issue on this server we are not able to ban the player at this time. I do apologize and can assure you that we are working towards a solution. In the meantime while we are fixing this issue I can tell you that uploading the evidence as soon as possible is key to being able to ban the player before the player data is lost. I am not sure how long the time span is before the glitch happens and the player's data is lost, but I know I have been able to retrieve the player data up to 6 hours after the player has logged offline. I assure you that I will try my best to get to the reports as soon as they are posted and again apologize for the issues and not being able to take action.