For this thread there will be no banning or evidence. In prison the guards are bad at there job except for IN1NJAI and kewl. All of the other guards are bad at their jobs. When I tell a guard that someone has broken the rules they ignore me and probably other people. So what I would do is fire all the guards except kewl and IN1NJAI, and hire new guards. Please take this thread into consideration. Please leave a comment down below on your thoughts. And moderators, please do not close this thread. I would like to hear what people have to say in this. Thank you.
I was not on and i help so much, if you see my logs for screenshots on Illegal swords I can tell you that I have over 100 in the past 2 days.
I understand that. But I thought you can own a sword, just not use it. And you have been putting people in prison for nothing. And I do own two swords that are not wood but, I do not use them. One is an iron sword with sharpness 1. And the other is a diamond sword with no enchants.
I'm talking about guards not moderators. The moderators are always willing to help users because they want to keep the server alive. And I have seen Pile_of_Butts online.
The only people who are just guards are IN1NJAI and luckydolphins and kron. So yrs you mean kron doesnt do anything. I would thoroughly agree with you...
My opinion I cant be on 12 things at once, i dont go on prison that much because whenever i go already there are guards online. Im pretty sure its better for me to deal with things like kit pvp and reports, then sit online in prison with it already being well moderated.
Only thing is the guards are not good at their jobs. They do not help the users. Now there may be guards that do help the users that I have not mentioned. If there is a guard that does then please comment down below the guards name.
I have had to deal with jailing so many people on prison, as soon as I jail one person another person starts bombarding me with things about he or she has a sword rachet jail him/her, and then I start getting spammed, I can only deal with one person at a time, and I play on all the gamemodes not just prison.
More guards will be added to our already amazing staff team. We all do our part. If you have a complaint about a specific staff member please feel free to post it in the "Report a staff" section. Closing.