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  • Archangel175 - Trespassing[Closed][Melgrath]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by mind_trap, Mar 19, 2015.

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    1. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      1. Your ingame name: mind_trap
      2. The offender's ingame name: Archangel175
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Island Trespassing. The user is banned from coming to my shop yet he is under the impression that he can do whatever he wants, in his own words. I have asked him nicely not to come to shop ever again, I even have signs to make that clear yet his reply was "I'll do whatever I want" and that he does. He came to my store while in /vanish hoping that I wont see him, but his luck wasn't good cause I was in /vanish too. People like him force me to stay in /vanish and away from all my friends so I can observe their behavior. I reserve the right to make transactions in my shop only with the people I want because my warp is a public warp but it is on a private property. Like Walmart in real life, I have the right to ban customers from my shop's premisses. My shop has received over 60k visits since it has opened, 4 of them are not welcome anymore and since he can't respect that Im asking for your help. Archangel175 is an opportunist back stabbing jerk who acts as your friend until he gets what he wants from you and then talks trash about you. Such people make feel ashamed for belonging in the same species with them and I dont want anything from them. Please help me protect my shop from the likes of him. He comes to my shop and doesn't leave until the items he wants are out of stock. He does that to every shop, he buys all the items and forces the people to go to his overpriced shop since all the other shops are out of stock because of him. I work for the people, he works for himself. I have achieved everything there is to achieve on Skyblock and the only reason Im still playing is because I have the means to help the rest of the people to do the same. I want the people to be able to build their dreams, he wants to make money. Please help me apply some order. In the screenshots you can see the signs with the people who are banned from my shop and the area where Archangel175 was buying items while in /vanish. This time I was around and I got him trespassing, I cant be around 24/7 and thus I dont know how many more times he had come to my shop. Please help me, I dont want to waste your time and my time in reports because some people believe that they are entitled to do whatever they want. A warning wont do any good, for some reason he is sure that he can't get banned no matter what, help me change that. His arrogance is so big that after I told him that he is reported he came to my shop with his alternative account (dont remember the exact name it includes the word -bobo- Ill update when I have more info) and tried to buy the same items that I had to remove from the chests cause of him. Please Help.
      4. Evidence/screenshots.

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      Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
    2. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      I need your help @melgrath , I thought you had talked to him back then when I placed these signs. If you did, then obviously he doesnt care and if you didn't, maybe its time to do it. This situation cannot continue, he is a bad person.
    3. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      As this has been an area that has not been clearly defined in the past, I have reached out to Cypriot for his stance on the matter of trespassing. He expressed that if a player creates a public warp and advertises it in chat, player are allowed to go to the warp.

      This being the case, players cannot be excluded from a public warp. I apologize for any inconvenience, but as this is the stance of the Administrative team, I will be closing and archiving this report.

      Best Regards,
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