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  • ANORIN hacking with Kill Aura and Auto Armour[Lack of Evidence] [Alex]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by IStrafeDaily1, Jul 6, 2016.


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    1. IStrafeDaily1

      IStrafeDaily1 Active Member

      Jul 4, 2016
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      Hello mineverse mods and admins I would like to report a player known as ANORIN who was hacking on mineverse today 7/6/2016 and i was asking for a 1v1 at spawn. He showed up and we started fighting then he was hitting me from several more blocks away then usual but i didn't think much of it until he killed me while i have protection 5 and my sharp 4 axe and he only had starter gear and this is a problem because i have 1149 levels in axes and i tore through his Armour and i heard it break but i notice it come off and then come on in a blink of an eye. He killed me with all my Armour on and with a gapple which does not happen ever. I do not have any evidence as i was not expecting it i am very sorry you will just have to take my word for it. Thank You

    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      Sorry, but if you don't have evidence then there is no point in creating a report, as evidence is vital for punishing someone. Also, for next time:

      Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include:
      1. Your ingame name:
      2. The offender's exact ingame name:
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:
      4. Evidence/full screenshots.
      The screenshots must be full/un-cropped, or the report will be denied due to lack of evidence. Evidence over 2 weeks old used to report will also be considered void.
    3. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      Thank you for the report.
      Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient.
      Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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