ShovelMcYT SO MANY PEOPLE Really moderators? You really need to step up your job @canucksfan44 @Dontchallengeme @PandaBear__
No matter how active we are/aren't ingame. There's going to be hackers. It's inevitable, telling us to step up our game, is an insult, not taken lightly. As a player, you have the role of assisting in the community. And that more often then not, ends up being the role of record / reporting hackers. Don't tell us to step up our jobs, when we're constantly all on Mineverse, I'm ALWAYS ingame, or on the forums whenever my computer is open. Anyways - I'll handle this report.
Both of these players have already been banned due to previous reports. Thank you for your report - Already banned. -Dontchallengeme