So if the chat is not calmed talking isn't allowed and if the chat is calmed it's allowed to speak? Then you moderators must be busy in the lobby.
The fact is, it was a made up rule. I never staff disrespected nor did I break Gwism's rule of talking in chat.
Leaving this here as pending. The region is protected to stop speaking in the global chat for a reason. Lots of rules are covered under "common sense". This would be one of them. DDoS'ing players isn't posted there either... pretty sure you know that's against the rules as well. :p You and your friends were spamming the chat and harassing the new staff. I asked you to stop multiple times before messaging Gwism to come and help me get a handle on the situation. He kicked you and warned you each time that you were leading to a tempban. You are very smart Fenny. You know what you were doing was pushing your limits. You decided to push anyway. You got your punishment. If it was I who had tempbanned you I don't believe we would be discussing this here. Giving Gwism a hard time for doing his job is unnecessary and uncalled for. I will tag @CypriotMerks as asked.
No moderators should be making up rules. Only people who can create the rules is Me or Crew. I don't see a problem with players talking in the Lobby as long it's appropriate chat. I'll enlarge the spawn region because it's ridiculous seeing players getting banned for typing in the lobby. :/