Your ingame name:AndreCrafter1 The offender's exact ingame name: Quantum_Shibe, _xBeex_, FrostBird13, SirEarHole A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/full screenshots.
The only ones I see hacking are FrostBird13 and _xBeex_. Quantum_Shibe was lagging, so that isn't hacks and I cannot find SirEarHole. Also please make separate reports for each player next time. It makes it easier for us to spot the hacks.
SirEarhole can be found in "_xBeex_ Mineverse Hacking" vid, while I am on the bridge and shoot at him, he had antikb. For quantum_Shibe, he had safewalk (sec 0:10 where he walks towards the edge of the block without falling) or (sec 0:20 until 0:24) and nofall (didn´t manage to record the nofall though)
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