Well hello. Today, I was looking at someone make redstone piston door. Then all of a sudden two people come along, and turn on fast bow hacks and start shooting everywhere, anyways, here we go. Your IGN: BobSheepert Accused person's IGN: KRTXVINFECTION and saintedjose What rule they broke and how: Well, these people turned on their fast bow hacks, and started shooting arrows everywhere, as I said before. Anyways, I'm pretty sure people fast bow hack on creative so people think that it's just a, "God Bow" That is able to do that, so the hackers don't get banned. However, some people are intelligent enough to know that they are hacking. (Also, there was a cat in t he background called, "HACKER" I just put that in for fun, cause why not?) Evidence: http://prntscr.com/45sysc http://prntscr.com/45sywx http://prntscr.com/45sz2b http://prntscr.com/45sz7l http://prntscr.com/45szax http://prntscr.com/45szfp I know I put a lot of evidence this time, but eh. Anyways, have a nice day!