1. PrideDHomunculus 2. coolavatar300 sittingcip 3. Hacking (anti-kb, kb resistance) 4. coolavatar300's is obvious. sittingcip takes kb at times but I feel like it's not what it's supposed to be. For example, at 0:33 I shoot him with the Punch I bow and he barely moves back. Same at 1:01, whereas in a situation like that normal players would be thrown right off. And finally at 1:18 (this evidence is the best) I very clearly hit him with the bow but he runs forwards, jumping towards me, ignoring it completely, so I call hax, probably kb resistance toggled here and there and not as obvious as normal anti-kb. You can see it is the Punch I bow from me trading at the beginning of the vid. The vid is a but blurry but you can see all the names in chat.
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