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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alex oli

    1. The Spheredraptor32
      Feb 3, 2015
    2. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      whsts up?
      Feb 3, 2015
    3. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      Feb 3, 2015
    4. The Spheredraptor32
      Feb 4, 2015
    5. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      Haven't eaten in 3 days :p because the surgery haven't done anything really
      Feb 4, 2015
    6. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Oooo crap how did it go
      Feb 4, 2015
    7. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      Well I'm healing much faster then I should but it still hurts just to drink
      Feb 4, 2015
    8. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      And it went well :)
      Feb 4, 2015
    9. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      What did they do to u again ?
      Feb 4, 2015
    10. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      Remove something in my nose and throat don't remember what's it called :p
      Feb 4, 2015
    11. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Ohhh as long as your alright bro I'm good
      Feb 4, 2015
    12. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      I'm alright I guess
      Feb 4, 2015
    13. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      But this was my last day man I'm deleting Skype and everything :/
      Feb 4, 2015
    14. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Why bro are u Quiting :o
      Feb 4, 2015