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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cha-Ching

    1. mr rob
      mr rob
      Jan 21, 2015
    2. Cha-Ching
      Whats up? :R
      Jan 21, 2015
    3. mr rob
      mr rob
      The roof :3
      Jan 21, 2015
    4. Cha-Ching
      Wrong! Its the ceiling ;)
      Jan 21, 2015
    5. mr rob
      mr rob
      Nope ur wrong u mean the sky xD
      Jan 21, 2015
    6. ZeldaNinja
      there is no "up" the world is round and therefore someone's "up" could be some ones "down"
      Jan 21, 2015
    7. mr rob
      mr rob
      ...... No words
      Jan 21, 2015