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  • Comments on Profile Post by Exy

    1. Max
      What's going on?
      I logged on and someone was yelling someone hacked killedlikeaboss ;-;
      Dec 27, 2014
    2. Exy
      I am hacked save me its not fair
      Dec 27, 2014
    3. Max
      I really can't help you, I don't really know anything about that stuff.
      @Daddy can probably help you though
      Dec 27, 2014
    4. Exy
      I messaged him he refused ive changed password and email so nobody get onto it but I got banned thanks to the hacker this isn't fair
      Dec 27, 2014
    5. Daddy
      @MaxNinja10 I refuse to help this user as I have had a past history with this kid and will reject him at any given time.
      Dec 27, 2014
    6. Max
      Alright :/
      Dec 27, 2014