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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rainbow Dash

    1. Max
      Kewl, I wish I could've joined sooner though. I never found out about the forums until about the time I joined the forums
      Dec 14, 2014
    2. Chibi
      Same^ xD
      Dec 14, 2014
    3. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      I joined because of my ban in kitpvp of hacking which is the best thing ive done because i would not be in forums right now bans teach you lessons
      Dec 14, 2014
    4. nick ok
      nick ok
      I don't remember how I found out about the forums :t
      Dec 15, 2014
    5. Chibi
      My friend was talking about it so i decided to sign up c:
      Dec 15, 2014
    6. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      :P nice story's
      Dec 15, 2014
    7. Max
      My brother signed up in Dec. I always wanted to sign up too, I just never did. Then in April [When I joined] I found out how to do everything to sign up ;-; I was a noob :P
      Dec 16, 2014
    8. Rainbow Dash
      Dec 16, 2014
    9. Chibi
      Everyone was a noob :P
      Dec 16, 2014