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  • Comments on Profile Post by XOXO

    1. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Ikr It's my First Year in High School
      Aug 27, 2014
    2. XOXO
      1st years are funny
      Aug 27, 2014
    3. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      It was easy actually was not hard I have been going since Wednesday now
      Aug 28, 2014
    4. XOXO
      Wait soon and it will be hell ;)
      Aug 28, 2014
    5. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Nah not my school
      Aug 28, 2014
    6. XOXO
      Yas your school
      Aug 29, 2014
    7. The Spheredraptor32
      Aug 30, 2014