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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cade

    1. Janice
      Sure, what's up?
      Aug 29, 2016
    2. Cade
      1. What size is your profile cover? (If you know)
      2. Am I able to report on alt accs? Like if I put an alt's name under "Your ingame name"
      3. Forgot, but I'll let you know if I remember
      Aug 29, 2016
    3. Janice
      1. I'll have to double check on my computer tomorrow. Not on it atm.
      2. Yes I don't see why not but not if your main is banned on that gamemode because then you would be ban evading.
      3. Ok. :)
      Aug 29, 2016
    4. Cade
      Alrighty! Thanks :D
      Aug 29, 2016