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  • Comments on Profile Post by Post Malone

    1. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      You deserve to be IP banned not promoted. Smh
      Aug 16, 2016
    2. elrak
      js, I never changed it to anything inappropriate nor did I steal it
      Aug 17, 2016
    3. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      "smashingdeeznuts" and don't deny you didn't steal it when you would brag saying you stole it. Stop making your self look stupid by lying.
      Aug 17, 2016
    4. elrak
      I got access to it after that name was put in, I never took it, shonal did. lol if you want to continue this PM me
      Aug 17, 2016
    5. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      "I got access to it" ohhh so you're saying you could have given the account back to me but you chose not to?.. why would I want to PM you when I can expose you for the person you really are.
      Aug 17, 2016
    6. elrak
      expose me
      Aug 17, 2016
    7. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      That's what I've been doing. I don't know how much you payed CypriotMerkz to become moderator. But if he knew what you've done you wouldn't be here. Now I'm going to bed, talk soon xx
      Aug 17, 2016
    8. elrak
      Aug 17, 2016
    9. YouGotTheCombo
      I'd say around 250$, Titan Rank :)
      Aug 19, 2016