how're you in this fine night?
i'm tired as hell, wbu?
basically the same pulled an all nighter yesterday bc I'm dumb
wtf i can never do that.
yesterday was my first tbh
oh congratulations...??? idk.
yeah neithe do i haha. but now I'm super tired I canceled so many plans w friends
you're so popular wtf, i barely have any friends.
you've got a new friend here
ohhh yezz, ok so my name is chantelle, what's yours? :p
well everyone usually calls me zeke but my real name is ezequiel
and that's a pretty name
oh damn, your name is hot. and thank you! c:
ooh thanks )
so wyd
well i just gave up on doing hw, wbu?
just texting friends bc I'm bored af :((
oh dangg, lemme get ur number,,,, jk jk. or if u want l0l.
o ok. c;
i added youu.
uhh not logged in on my phone I'll add ya tomorrow. talk here for now
hmm alrite.
so where are you from? :
cali, wbu?
Cali too :8
oooo twinsss.
yee which part? -Modesto for me
noice, i'm in monterey
oo cool haven't been there since sixth grade for a field trip yo
thats like 2 hrs wth.
yeee i know haha. o boy just got a weird request on insta haha
im on insta toooooo
actually just follow me z.ekee
ok well im going to sleep now gn
aye boi back off shes my wife
@Jewlio chill babe
okok ill chill
@Jewlio te amo
yo tambien <3
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