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  • Comments on Profile Post by CosmicGalaxy32

    1. KKeith
      Your political views are probably shi-tty.
      Jul 20, 2016
    2. Idy
      ing mad kid? Btw you should check your before you send it bud. Sticking up for a ing minecraft server, I'm done that's funny asf. Btw, I changed my name because I already had spent my money on the server. Oh btw love, I had my name before they had the ing little rule. And I changed my name when I actually enjoyed the server. Get your straight before you talk .
      Jul 20, 2016
    3. KKeith
      This profile has become a dank meme.
      Jul 20, 2016
      Idy likes this.
    4. FoxSoul
      i remember talking to you and hating you a while ago but i started reading your profile and this guys comment made me laugh bc you're completely right on the fact that they should have left your ign alone. its an ign its not like you're typing the word. i always found that dumb as hell.
      hope youre well btw xx
      Jul 21, 2016
      Idy likes this.
    5. Idy
      <3 you too fam
      Jul 22, 2016
      FoxSoul likes this.