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  • Comments on Profile Post by elrak

    1. ShonalFromRaxs
      i just downloaded a hack and dont have to move now LOL i still can be a lazy shet
      Jul 11, 2016
    2. elrak
      I would but I honestly just enjoy the game, met so many other people playing it. I was with 2 other friends and we met this guy in his 20s, asked us what team we were in and then took down the gym we were trying to take down. Gave us the spots too.
      Jul 11, 2016
    3. GenyS
      lel, I can't even download the game yet .-.
      Jul 11, 2016
    4. elrak
      Jul 11, 2016
    5. Chain
      @GenyS Same. It's because we're in Europe or what?
      Jul 11, 2016
    6. GenyS
      Probably, idk
      Jul 11, 2016
    7. Alex
      25ks? wow, did you hatch any eggs? :)
      Jul 11, 2016
    8. elrak
      Yeah I did two 5km ones, got a meowth. My 10km one is about to hatch, hoping for anything but an eevee. xd
      Jul 11, 2016
    9. ShonalFromRaxs
      you need data to play it.. i dont have data anymore :I
      Jul 11, 2016
    10. elrak
      Just get a 500 mb package or something, takes like no data at all. xd
      Jul 11, 2016
    11. ShonalFromRaxs
      gonna today needa top up
      Jul 11, 2016
    12. KingAlex
      This game is going to cure diabetes and obesity.
      People finally have a reason to go outside.

      But seriously though. This game is great.
      Jul 13, 2016
    13. elrak
      Yeah, it's great! Going to the PoGo Meetup in Sydney on Sunday, hoping to catch some good pokemon and meet some great people. :D
      Jul 13, 2016
    14. Alex
      The meetups are the best. The fact that you can walk down the street and meet someone into the same things as you is awesome, I love the social aspects the game has. It's a great conversation starter and a great way to make new friends.
      Jul 13, 2016
    15. elrak
      Yeah, I can't wait. :D
      Jul 13, 2016
    16. Syndicade
      It's great until the server crashes xd
      Jul 13, 2016
    17. elrak
      Only really happens in the mornings for me and even then I'm not really playing the game.
      Jul 13, 2016
    18. Syndicade
      I'm going to wait until it's patched a bit before playing. :p
      Jul 13, 2016
    19. Chain
      Meh, personally I wouldn't like to walk into some isolated area which also happens to be a meetup area where a paedophile awaits my arrival.....
      Jul 13, 2016
    20. Alex
      That's why it's always best to travel in groups
      Jul 14, 2016
    21. Syndicade
      I don't have a group
      Jul 14, 2016
    22. Robisgreat10
      Lol, I don't like playing Pokemon GO. you need to do the study or college.
      Jul 21, 2016
    23. elrak
      Then why play Minecraft? They're both games, I play them to avoid being bored. Life isn't all about studying.
      Jul 21, 2016